‘Second Edition’

Published 8:06 am Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ahoskie Public Library volunteers – from foreground to background, W.C. Watkins, Cindy Davenport and James Futrell – stock the shelves at the library’s used book store that will open soon. Staff Photo by Cal Bryant

Ahoskie Public Library volunteers – from foreground to background, W.C. Watkins, Cindy Davenport and James Futrell – stock the shelves at the library’s used book store that will open soon. Staff Photo by Cal Bryant

AHOSKIE – Bake sales, BBQ, and now Books!…the Ahoskie Public Library has been raising funds for a new larger library for quite a few years.  Now, library officials are trying something new to help the town raise money for the new library that is so desperately needed.

A few years ago it was suggested to find a location to hold a permanent book sale since the library building on Church Street was too small to accommodate it and the number of donated books was growing and growing.  That opportunity was presented from Ahoskie Town Manager Tony Hammond, offering the library the use of the old Ahoskie Recreation Building at 1103 W. Main Street to use as an annex of the library building. The first thought of library staff and Trustees was “Used Bookstore!”

“This newest fundraising endeavor wouldn’t have been possible without the support of many persons, agencies, and our dedicated staff,” said Cindy Henderson, Branch Manager of the Ahoskie Public Library. “From the donated books given by library patrons, local citizens and even other libraries, some as far away as Wake County, to shelving and bookcases from the old Gates County Library building donated by Gates County and the library staff there, to several tables and boxes of books from the Murfreesboro Library (Elizabeth Sewell Parker Memorial Library), we have been able to create a pretty nice space that actually looks a little like a used bookstore.


“But none of this would have happened without the hard work of Ahoskie’s Public Works employees,” Henderson added. “They moved, lifted, trucked and placed more than 400 boxes of books, shelves, bookcases, tables and more in the building that was once the home of the Ahoskie Recreation Department.”

Henderson and Sarah Matthews, along with volunteers, have sorted and shelved thousands of gently used books. They now stand ready to sign up volunteers to help operate the used book store.

“Our current library building is only 1700 square feet with limited space for computers, books, people and even parking,” Henderson said. “The use of this building provides us with a space to do fundraising activities, have meetings, and maybe even special programs in the future.  But the most important use for the building right now is the opportunity it gives us to raise money from the sale of used books, books on tape, videos, dvds and music cds for our Library Building Fund.”

Fundraising is an ongoing effort of the Ahoskie Public Library Trustees and staff.  Generous donations from patrons, bake sales sponsored by the Ahoskie Woman’s Club, gift basket raffles by the Thursday Book Club and the Ahoskie Public Library Backyard BBQ Cook-off held each September during the Ahoskie Heritage Day Festival have all helped the Ahoskie Library Building Fund grow to over $165,000.  But there is a lot more fundraising yet to do.  With proceeds raised from sales at the new “Used Bookstore”, and the upcoming “Ahoskie Public Library 7th Annual Backyard BBQ Cook-off” on September 13, Henderson said she hopes that amount will grow and grow.

“With your help and support we know that’s possible,” she stressed.

If you are interested in helping with fundraising efforts, either at the “Used Bookstore” or during the Ahoskie Public Library Backyard BBQ Cook-off, call 252-332-5500 or mail your tax deductible donation to: Ahoskie Public Library Building Fund, 210 E. Church Street, Ahoskie, NC 27910.