Sponsors solicited

Published 8:53 am Tuesday, September 3, 2013

AHOSKIE – The newest addition to the Ahoskie Creek Recreational Complex has the potential to make the town unique in more than just its one-of-a-kind name.

Recently, town officials opened a full 18-hole Disc Golf Course with several armature pads for beginners at the Complex. Hole #1 starts behind Baseball Field Number #1 running parallel to Lakeview Drive.

The Disc Golf Course features a variety of terrain types and hole distances, challenging for beginner and advanced players alike on 70 acres of land that includes the baseball complex, soccer fields, multi-purpose fields, picnic shelters, amphitheater, play grounds, walking trails and a dog park.


“This course has already attracted players from all over the region,” said Ahoskie Town Manager Tony Hammond. “Currently there are several competition courses like this one in North Carolina and we hope ours becomes an attractive course for tournaments and individual players. We’re pleased to add this course at the Ahoskie Creek Recreational Complex as the first location of its kind in Hertford County.”

Disc Golf play is free to the public. The Ahoskie Recreation Department offers an introductory video to the sport. Contact the Rec Center at 252-332-4811 to view the video or venture out on your own to the Complex and try your hand at Disc Golf.

Hammond said the Recreation Department is currently seeking 27 businesses interested in sponsoring an information sign at the Disc Golf course. The sign will indicate the hole number, graphic lie of the hole, distance, and par. The sponsorship is priced at $125.

Sponsorship donations should be mailed to the following address:

Town Hall – Disc Golf Sponsorship

Attn: Patricia Bradley, Finance Officer

P.O. Box 767

Ahoskie, NC27910

For more information about the Disc Golf sponsorships, contact Hammond at 252-332-5146.

About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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