Operation Medicine Drop proves successful

Published 7:43 am Wednesday, April 3, 2013

AHOSKIE – Chances are better than average that old medication can cause harm if not properly discarded.

That fact was behind an effort conducted March 20 by the Ahoskie Police Department to allow local citizens the opportunity to safely dispose of expired, unwanted prescription and over-the counter medications.

Operation Medicine Drop events were held across North Carolina the week of March 18-24. The Ahoskie Police Department took part, holding their event at Mizelle’s Discount Drug Store, Inc. As a result, several thousand doses of medication were safely collected and destroyed.


“Every time we collect and destroy a dosage of excess medication, it’s a success,” stated Ahoskie Police Chief Troy Fitzhugh. “We are keeping these drugs out of the wrong hands and out of our waterways. When medications are flushed or thrown away in the garbage they can contaminate water sources. Such as contamination has been found in waterways here in North Carolina.”

Fitzhugh added that when excess medications are kept around the home, they create dangerous opportunities for prescription drug abuse and accidental poisonings.

“The best way to prevent poisonings is to remove the risk from the environment,” he stated.

Operation Medicine Drop is an effort coordinated by North Carolina Department of Insurance, Safe kids North Carolina, the State Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Riverkeepers of North Carolina and law enforcement agencies across the state.

“I would like to thank Mizelle’s Discount Drug Store for allowing us to use their facility and making this event a success,” Fitzhugh said. In addition, I would like to thank (APD) Captain Michele Garrett for spearheading this event and (APD) Sgt. Donald Cuff for assisting during the event. I would also like to thank each of you who had the time to participate in the event. You all made this a success.”