Habitat dedicates sixth home
Published 10:23 am Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rev. James Hutchinson (left foreground) of Hertford County Habitat for Humanity presents Auntra’ Vann (second from right) with the keys to her new home. Staff Photo by Joe Cowart
Submitted by HC Habitat for Humanity
AHOSKIE – Hertford County Habitat for Humanity celebrated the construction of its sixth home at a dedication ceremony on January 8 in Ahoskie.
The newest Hertford County Habitat home is a story of restoration for a house and a family. The journey to this sixth house began when the Hertford County Habitat acquired a dwelling on West Church Street that had been burned and was sold at a reduced price.
In rehabilitating the home, the Vann family along with 144 different Habitat volunteers logged a total of 1857 hours on this home up to August 27, 2011. The home was just a few weeks away from completion when Hurricane Irene’s winds caused a tree to fall on it. After Irene, more volunteers came from across the county and state to help repair the damage. This home has lovingly been restored twice! It is now ready for its new owners, the Vann family.
This was the first rehabilitation project that Herford County Habitat has done. It proved to be a valuable learning experience for those on the Building Committee. The restoration not only restored the house to a comfortable home, it also made it energy efficient. It is very well insulated and has a solar power water heater. Both initiatives will help reduce the cost of the electric bill for the Vann family.
Prayers of thanksgiving and blessing were given for the home. Community children sang a Habitat song as part of the dedication. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Board President, Rev. James Hutchinson and Construction Committee Chairman, Dennis Deloatch, presented the Vann family with the keys to their new home and a Bible from Habitat for Humanity International.
When talking about her new home, Auntra’ Vann says “owning my own home has always been a dream of mine and now that has come true. It is an awesome feeling to be able to give my kids a safe home.”
Auntra’ greatly appreciates those that made her dream possible. She gives her heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers saying “I was so surprised to see that people will give freely of their time to help with the renovating of this house. My family will forever be grateful for this opportunity”
Through donations of money and materials and volunteer labor, Hertford County Habitat was able to purchase and renovate the home and then sell it at an affordable price. The Vann family purchased the home with a no-profit loan, and their monthly mortgage payments will be used to build more Habitat houses.
Hertford county Habitat for Humanity is appreciative of all the volunteers who work to eliminate poverty housing in Hertford County. Hertford County Habitat for Humanity has been organized since 1991 and has an active Board that meets monthly.
Hertford County Habitat raises funds through the operation of the Resale Store on Main Street in Murfreesboro. If you are interested in volunteering or making donations to Hertford County Habitat for Humanity contact Hutchinson at 252-398-2587 or Deloatch at 252-398-4928 or email hertfordcountyhabitat@gmail.com.