Conway Parade rings in the season
Published 9:32 am Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Enjoying the view from the Conway Food Center float were, top from left, Fannie Sawyer and Cathy Custance joined by Camryn Barnes and Harley Jones. Photo submitted by Danny Bowman
CONWAY – From Cubs to Claus, the Conway Christmas Parade served-up several slices of the holiday season on Saturday morning.
The town’s annual event, this one played out under crystal clear skies and brisk temperatures, officially kicks-off the Christmas parade season in the Roanoke-Chowan area. Several other local parades – Cofield, Colerain, Rich Square and Winton – will be held this coming Saturday (Dec. 4; see Tuesday’s R-C News-Herald print edition for starting times and more details).
With Conway Cub Scout Pack #834 leading the way, proudly carrying the Conway Christmas Parade banner, Saturday’s festive event featured all the sights and sounds of the holiday season. There were colorful floats, thrill-a-minute action from “The Prowlers” – representing the Sudan Temple of Rocky Mount – Sudan Animal characters interacting with the young spectators, town and county dignitaries and plenty of music.
And, of course, no Christmas parade is complete without an appearance from Jolly Old St. Nick. As is tradition, Santa Claus brought up the rear of the parade, riding on top of a Conway Fire Department truck.
In the “Battle of the Bands” competition, Northwest Halifax High School won first place; Weldon High School placed second with Southeast Halifax High School claiming third.