Applications open for Miss Teen Gates Co.
Published 11:24 am Monday, August 30, 2010

Vickie Monique Wiggins is shown here from last year’s Miss Teen-Age Gates County Pageant, an event where she captured the title. The application period for this year’s event is now open and runs until Sept. 13.
For nearly 30 years, the Gates County BELLES have been on a quest to honor deserving young ladies in the county.
The year 2010 is no different.
The BELLES are receiving applications for the Miss Teen-Age Gates County Pageant until Monday, September 13. They want to give every young lady who desires to participate in their twenty-ninth pageant on, Saturday, November 6, the opportunity to do so.
The pageant is open to high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Young ladies, don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime to enhance your growth and development, gain confidence, and receive lots of great prizes.
Contestants will be judged in three categories – talent, evening gown and insights (responding to a question about dating, fashion, social trends, career goals, education or life in general).
Please see Mrs. Robin Gatling in the GCHS English Department, Mrs. Patty Williams at the GCHS front desk or Mrs. Michelle Gregory in the data manager’s office at Gates County High School for an application. Return your application to either of these ladies.
If you meet the following criteria, you are eligible:
1. Must be a Gates County High School student;
2. Must have a “C” average or higher;
3. New students may apply as long as they have been a resident of Gates County for two consecutive years;
4. Entry fee of $20 must be turned in by the deadline. A completed application must be submitted with the entry fee.
In addition to the above criteria, each contestant must possess good morals or ethical behavior exemplified by being honest, law-abiding, responsible and respectable.
All contestants must sign a notarized qualifications agreement.
You may contact Jo Ann Williams at 465-8802, Rhonda K. Lassiter at (357-1409) or Marilyn Bowser-Richardson at 357-1796 for additional information.