Latest Amanda VanDerBroek

Amanda VanDerBroek

Let’s shelve the high school drama

Public needs to demand a future plan of action for Northampton school district.

Amanda VanDerBroek

Saying farewell to fear

Journey includes learning to stand up for yourself

Amanda VanDerBroek

There’s still life in small towns

Organizers put on a whale of a show for Conway's Centennial celebration

Amanda VanDerBroek

Let me slip into my shoes of torture

Why women love and hate high heels

Amanda VanDerBroek

Wacky holidays for all

There’s a reason to celebrate most any day of the year

Amanda VanDerBroek

Enjoying nature’s awesome beauty

31st birthday at the beach….what a treat!

Amanda VanDerBroek

Patriotism – a lesson in freedom

We owe our military veterans, past and present, a debt of gratitude

Amanda VanDerBroek

Please, please let it be spring

This special time of the year brings new life

Amanda VanDerBroek

Wanted: better role models

Young girls of today need to set higher standards

Amanda VanDerBroek

Good foods for heart health

Fruit, veggies and fatty fish should be in your diet

Amanda VanDerBroek

Groundhogs are woodchucks no more

Winter weather forecaster lives the life of luxury

Amanda VanDerBroek

“P&P”- a book for the ages

Despite the circumstances love is still possible and it always thrives.

Amanda VanDerBroek

Finding the way back ‘home’

Messages are loud and clear while shopping for a church

Amanda VanDerBroek

Unique ‘droppings’ on Dec. 31

NYC doesn’t have the market cornered on New Year’s Eve

Amanda VanDerBroek

My heart is with upstate NY

It may begin with a madman, but always ends with love and compassion.

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