You can’t give what you don’t have

Published 6:21 pm Friday, February 12, 2021

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To the Editor:

I have been employed as a Register Nurse (R.N.) in health care for 44 years, many of those years at Northampton County Health Department. I am now retired.

The combined Northampton County Board of Commissioners and Northampton Board of Health meeting was upsetting, to say the least. The state of North Carolina allocates the amount of vaccines to each county and Northampton gives them according to state mandates. Any complaints about this should be made to the state, not to local government.


All information about Northampton’s immunizations has been well publicized.

Health Director Andy Smith, Dr. Frank Taylor, the entire Health Department staff and the Board of Health should be commended for their service. They have sacrificed and worked many extra hours since the COVID crisis began in March, 2020. They have done this at great risk to their health and personal well-being and should be publicly thanked for a job well done.

The immunizations have been given as quickly as possible and fairly to all citizens as the vaccine is made available to the county. People have not had to wait hours in their vehicles.

The Health Department cannot give what they don’t have!

Anneke Revelle
