Annual ROAP application approved in Northampton

Published 6:15 pm Friday, January 10, 2020

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JACKSON – With little discussion, the Northampton Commissioners approved the annual Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) grant application here at their regular meeting on Jan. 6. The grant, which comes through funding from the NC Department of Transportation, will help continue to provide transportation services to Northampton County citizens.

Joslyn Reagor, Northampton’s Office of Aging Director, presented the information to the Board.

ROAP consolidates three transportation programs into one: the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program, the Rural General Public Transportation Program, and the Work Transitional-Employment Program.


The grant does not require a local match from the county.

Reagor explained which local agencies will receive funding for the different transportation programs.

For the Elderly and Disabled Assistance Program, funds will be split between the Office of Aging ($48,913.49) and the Roanoke Valley Adult Day Center ($20,000). In previous years, the J.W. Faison Senior Center received money for this program, but that organization shut down in July of last year. Since then, the Office of Aging has worked to continue providing the same services to Northampton residents.

The Office of Aging will also receive $8,503.26 for the Employment Transportation Program.

Funds for the Rural General Public Transportation Program will go to Choanoke Public Transportation Authority (CPTA) in the amount of $67,378.73.

The total allocated amount for Northampton County this year will be $144,795.48 which is higher than previous years.

“You all know transportation is a problem in Northampton County for seniors,” said Board Chair Charles Tyner as he urged the commissioners to make a motion.

Commissioner Nicole Boone motioned to approve the application, and Commissioner Kelvin Edwards seconded. The vote was unanimously in favor.

Reagor then presented for consideration a Memorandum of Understanding from CPTA. As in previous years, the memorandum allows CPTA to have additional flexibility to transfer ROAP funds between the four counties they serve if necessary. Those counties include Bertie, Hertford, Halifax, and Northampton.

Again, Boone motioned to approve the memorandum, and Commissioner Joyce Buffaloe seconded. This vote also was unanimously in favor.