Municipal filing opens

Published 9:09 am Wednesday, July 3, 2019


RCNH News Intern

Candidate filing for municipal seats will begin in the Roanoke-Chowan area at 12 noon on Friday, June 5.


The following is a list of R-C towns where council/commissioner seats and mayor positions are up for grabs during the 2019 election cycle:

Hertford County

In Ahoskie, the available positions are mayor, Ward A town council member, and ward B town council member. These positions have a term of four years.

In the town of Cofield, the available positions are mayor and five town council member seats. These positions have a term of two years.

There are no available positions in the Town of Como.

In the Town of Harrellsville, the mayor pro tem position is available along with four town council members’ seats, all with two-year terms.

Murfreesboro’s available positions are mayor and five town council member seats. These positions have a term of two years.

In the Town of Winton, the available positions are mayor and five town council members’ seats. All serve two-year terms.

If you would like to file in Hertford County, visit the Hertford County Board of Elections office at 418 Everett St, Suite A in Ahoskie. Their hours of operation are 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

Bertie County

In Askewville, the available positions are mayor and three commissioners’ seats. All serve two-year terms.

The mayor’s position and two commissioners’ seats are up for election in Aulander. All those seats have four-year terms.

Available positions in Colerain are mayor (a four-year term), two commissioner seats (four-year terms), and two unexpired term commissioner seats (two-year terms).

In the Town of Kelford, the mayor position is available along with five commissioners’ seats, all with two-year terms.

In Lewiston-Woodville, the available positions are Lewiston District Town Council, Woodville District Town Council and Town Council At Large. Each has a term of four years.

In the Town of Powellsville, the available positions are mayor and three commissioners’ seats. All have two-year terms.

Roxobel’s available positions are mayor and four commissioners’ seats. Each have a term of two years.

In the Town of Windsor, there are three available commissioners’ seats. These officers have a term of four years.

If you would like to file in Bertie County, visit the Bertie County Board of Elections office at 210 Watson Street in Windsor. Their office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 1 pm and 2-5 pm.

Northampton County

The Town of Conway has three commissioners’ seats available. These officers have four-year terms.

In the Town of Garysburg, the available positions are mayor and five commissioners’ seats, all with terms of two years.

Gaston’s available positions are mayor and three commissioners’ seats. The mayor position has a term of two years, and the commissioners serve a four-year term.

In Jackson, the positions up for election in 2019 are mayor and two commissioners’ seats. All serve four-year terms.

The available positions in Lasker are mayor and three commissioners’ seats, all serving two-year terms.

In the Town of Rich Square, the available positions are mayor and five commissioners’ seats. Those elected officials serve two-year terms.

There are two commissioners’ seats available in Seaboard. They have a term of four years.

There are no available positions in the Town of Severn.

In the Town of Woodland, the available positions are mayor and two commissioners’ seats, all with four-year terms.

For the Northampton County representation on the Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District there are three available seats, each with two-year terms.

If you would like to file in Northampton County, visit the Northampton County Board of Elections office at 9495 NC Hwy 305 in Jackson. Their office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm.

Candidate filing closes in these counties at 12 noon on Friday, July 19.

The 2019 General Election is Nov. 5.