‘Super’ Selection
Published 7:25 am Monday, May 6, 2019
GATESVILLE – When he arrived in Gates County eight years ago, Dr. Barry Williams was an unknown individual in northeastern North Carolina.
Now, nearly a full decade later, Williams has name recognition.
He was recently named as Superintendent of the Year for the Northeast Regional Educational Service Agency (NERESA). NERESA is made up of 16 school districts in the northeast North Carolina. The agency serves to make connections between and among educators, school districts, schools, universities, and community colleges, the North Carolina Department Public of Instruction, professional organizations, and other regional educational service agencies.
Upon receiving the honor, Dr. Jack Hoke, Director of the North Carolina School Superintendents Association, commented, “I am proud of Dr. Williams and the work he has invested into Gates County Schools. He has worked extremely hard and is very deserving.”

From left are Dr. Ethan Lenker, 2018 NERESA Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Barry Williams, 2019 NERESA Superintendent of the Year, and Dr. Dewayne
Stallings, NERESA Director. Contributed Photo
Dr. Williams came to Gates County with two previous years of superintendent experience in Colorado. He has 22 years of experience in public education, serving students as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, principal and superintendent.
When asked about his career in education, Williams stated, “Through my life, work, and educational experiences, I have attained the knowledge and skills to successfully lead a school district. I have worked in the school system in a variety of jobs and know the impact that each person in a school district has on the success of a child. It takes a collaborative effort of all stakeholders ranging from the school board to the central office to the principals and assistant principals, to teachers, aides, custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, students, parents and community members working together to give our children the best opportunities available so that they can become productive and happy citizens of our community.
“I have an in-depth knowledge of the educational standards and know what it takes to help students be successful in meeting the standards,” he added. “I also know that the standards are only part of the education a public school system should provide its students. My knowledge of law as related to public education is extensive and is a great benefit to my position as the district leader.”
Dr. Williams emphasized that while he is very excited about the honor of being named superintendent of the year, his greatest accomplishments are achieved each day.
“Getting to know the students and being a positive influence in their lives can give the greatest rewards,” he stressed. “Teachers and administrators that continually seek the best methods and best practices for instruction while keeping the individual child in mind have the greatest success. We have wonderful students and teachers in Gates County and I am proud to serve them as their superintendent.”
At the regional and state levels, Dr. Williams has served on the Executive Board of the North Carolina School Superintendents Association (NCSSA), the Chair and Vice-Chair of the NERESA. Dr. Williams has also participated in every Next Generation NC programs, all Digital Leadership Programs, the Future Focused Network Program, the Leadership for Innovation Program and the Executive Leadership Program.
At the national level, Dr. Williams is a member of ASCD, NASS and AASA. Currently, Dr. Williams is participating in the AASA National Superintendent Certification program with a 2020 graduation date. He has also given presentations at variety of conferences at the state and national levels.
During his tenure in Gates County, Dr. Williams has received the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Next Generation NC program and was recognized by the North Carolina Health and Occupations Students of America (HOSA) as their Superintendent of the Year. In addition to having earned a doctorate degree in educational leadership in 2007, Dr. Williams recently earned an additional master’s degree in Educational Law.
Through his service in Gates County as the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Williams shared he is most proud of …
The hard-working dedicated employees who provide our students with the best educational experience in their k-12 experience;
The construction and renovation of a new middle school;
Demonstrating test scores that rank Gates County #1 in the Roanoke Valley Region;
Providing new technology to drive the learning and instruction;
A supportive and active Board of Education; and
Being name NERESA Superintendent of the Year and being considered for the NC State Superintendent of the Year with seven of his colleagues who represent each of the other regions of the state.
As the 2019 NERESA Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Williams is one of seven superintendents in North Carolina who will vie for the honor of NC State Superintendent of the Year at the North Carolina School Boards Association conference in November.