Trash fee renegotiated

Published 2:33 pm Monday, January 14, 2019

JACKSON – Northampton County will be able to save some money thanks to changes in their contract with Waste Industries. County Manager Kimberly Turner presented the details to the Board of Commissioners here during their meeting on Jan. 7 before they voted to approve it.

With the current contract set to end on June 30, 2019, the two parties worked together to negotiate terms for an extension. Originally, they agreed to a seven-year extension but the Board asked for a shorter time frame.

“They have agreed to revise the agreement from seven years to four years,” reported Turner.


Vice Chair Geneva Faulkner explained the reduced time was because they wanted to make sure there would be at least one person seated on the Board who voted on the contract and was familiar with it when it comes up for renewal again.

Turner continued with her presentation, explaining the new contract amendment will decrease the price per unit amount from $16.84 to $15.84. This will save the county $125,196 in 2019. The proposed amendment also stated there will be no Consumer Price Index increase for the year beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. After that, the CPI increase will resume as usual.

Two representatives from Waste Industries, Pat Luce and Chris Williams, were in attendance to answer any questions from the Board.

Commissioner Kelvin Edwards asked about recycling bins. Currently, residents have 18-gallon bins, but he wanted to know if it was possible to provide recycling containers the same size as the trash cans.

“When it comes to taking an 18-gallon container to the road, we have citizens of various ages and therefore it may be difficult. But if something is on wheels, it makes that task an even easier feat,” he continued.

“I totally understand what you’re saying,” Luce replied, but explained they were not offering containers that size at this time due to the cost.

But he also noted additional 18-gallon bins are available for free for residents who would like to have more.

Luce said they had fliers and posters to distribute which would have a recycling calendar schedule and information about what can and cannot be recycled.

Other comments included one from Faulkner requesting that trash bins be put back properly by the people on the garbage trucks. For elderly people, she said it’s sometimes difficult for them to retrieve their trash bins.

“I know they’re on a route. They’re trying to get things done fast,” Faulkner said. “But it’s really hard once it falls into a wet ditch to pull it back up.”

Williams said for anyone with similar issues to reach out and let them know about it. He said they want to be aware of the situation to be able to fix those kinds of problems.

Edwards motioned to approve the amended four-year contract extension, and Commissioner Nicole Boone seconded. The vote was unanimously in favor.

Chairman Charles Tyner thanked the Waste Industries representatives for their continued partnership with Northampton County.