Hertford County cancels curfew; storm shelters to close

Published 12:36 pm Friday, September 14, 2018

This from Hertford County Emergency Management as of 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 14:

Hertford County has certainly been spared by Hurricane Florence.

Effective immediately, the countywide curfew has been lifted, to include the towns of Ahoskie, Murfreesboro and Winton.


The storm shelters at Hertford County High and Middle School will close at 4 pm today.

The local State of Emergency will remain in effect and be re-evaluated tomorrow (Saturday).

Hertford County has no reported road closures or power outages.

Rivers and communities along the river could still see rising tides and effects from storm surge.

Rain showers could still be on/off through today, but nothing predicted to have a huge impact to the county.