N’hampton to collect Seaboard town taxes

Published 9:48 am Monday, April 23, 2018

JACKSON – Tax Administrator Cathy Allen presented a decision paper to the Northampton Board of Commissioners here Monday to gain approval for the county to begin collecting taxes on the behalf of the town of Seaboard this year.

Allen explained the town had requested Northampton County to collect ad valorem taxes beginning with the 2018 levy. In the past, the town printed its own bills and performed the task itself.


The county will receive four percent of the amount collected, which Allen noted should total between $3,945 to $4,152.

In her statement, Allen also explained the Northampton County Tax Department already has the necessary information for the task since they currently assess all real and personal property within the county.

The only question from the Board was by Charles Tyner, who asked if this would put extra work on the county’s tax department staff.

Allen answered no. She explained they already had the necessary software to complete the process and this would also enable them to consolidate the tax bill they send out for those residents. The county tax department was already providing the town with the tax information during previous years.

Seaboard Mayor Geraldine Langford was also in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions, but the commissioners had none.

Without any further discussion, Chairman Robert Carter called for a motion on the matter. Tyner motioned to approve the agreement and Fannie Greene seconded. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the agreement.