What an awesome night for Camp Cale

Published 11:39 am Monday, March 26, 2018

To the Editor:

What an awesome night for Camp Cale on March 3. Even though the rain came and had the grounds saturated, God sent the winds and the sunshine and boy did it blow. The Lord knew it was a mission we were doing for Him. (God works in mysterious ways). So the grounds were good for parking.

Everything was going as planned, but we put a little twist in it. From 4-5 p.m. we had our seniors from our community. About 10 of our young seniors came to enjoy themselves without the hustle and bustle of all the crowds. Ray Campbell and Bernie Hillock helped them get in and out of the Oyster Bar. They enjoyed themselves so much that the next feed group (5-7 p.m.) were starting to come in. They just wanted to stay there and visit with everyone.


Everything seemed to flow well. Paul and Melissa White and grandchildren were helping shuttle with the golf cart back and forth from outside parking to the house.

Wade was cooking and running the kitchen. I was running back and forth filling containers, greeting guests, thanking sponsors, and saying goodbyes to guests, checking on ticket sales and checks (most important part).

Everyone, I mean everyone, seemed to enjoy the night. Everyone was so appreciative of what was going on for Camp Cale. The response was overwhelming. Even Dr. Matt Thomas, director of Camp Cale, and his lovely wife Christy were among some of our special guests. But speaking of special guests, we had a celebrity, our own Elvis, Ronnie Umphlett. He came and played for our seniors and others inside and outside the oyster bar. What an added attraction to the event.

Our love goes out to each and everyone. We could not have done one bit of this without all out loyal sponsors and helpful donors. We love y’all from the bottom of our hearts.

We had the most fabulous shuckers…Carter Askew and Ryan Hendrey, y’all were awesome. They worked from 4 p.m. to 10:30 that night.

Also helping out were Sarah and Stuart Proctor from Wilmington, NC and Baltimore, MD, from our pastor’s family. They also worked tirelessly all night from cleaning tables, waiting on customers, shucking, and anything that needed to be done. They came and did everything there was to do all night. Thank you so much to all of y’all!

Everybody’s important, but if we didn’t have those that purchased tickets we wouldn’t have had the event. You are the ones who made this happen.

Our special thank you for the push from our pastor Dr. Wayne Proctor. I call him the “Bishop” and his wife June. Our love for these two and his family go far and above.

Thank you to our wonderful supporter and friend Cal Bryant for coming and covering this special event for us. But it would not have been possible but for our dear friends Diane Hendrix and Joe Greene. They were right there, all the time helping for everything. Joe made the door prize, a squirrel feeder that was won by Bobby Hollowell of Sunbury.

We love and thank you all and give you God’s blessing to each and everyone!

Love to all and thank you!

If you would like to donate to Camp Cale, call 252-312-9910, our Pastor Dr. Wayne Proctor, Chairman of Camp Cale Management Group.

Ann and Wade Askew
