Life Savers!
Published 12:26 pm Tuesday, July 25, 2017
POTECASI – Northampton County Sheriff’s Office deputies are being praised by the investigating state Highway Patrol trooper for rendering assistance to a paramedic who crashed his vehicle near here Sunday morning while responding to a call.
Trooper Scott Richardson said Deputy Ray Horton and Sergeant Antoine Johnson applied pressure to Northampton County EMS Paramedic Michael Barnes to help slow bleeding down and “possibly saved his life.”

Northampton County EMS Paramedic Michael Barnes is recovering after receiving serious injuries in a Sunday morning wreck while he was en route to a call.
Richardson was the Trooper who responded to the crash after receiving the call at NC 35 and Dusty Hill Road in the Potecasi area shortly after 2:45 a.m.
Barnes was responding to what had initially been dispatched as a shooting call. Northampton County Sheriff Jack Smith said it ended up being a disturbance call.
The Trooper said Barnes went through a stop sign and collided with a tree. Both his legs were injured, Richardson said. The two deputies provided medical attention.
Smith said he was pleased with the efforts of his deputies. “Our deputies do whatever it takes to save or attempt to save human life. I’m proud of these deputies who serve mankind and try to save lives in anyway possible,” the Sheriff stated.
Barnes, 34, was flown from the crash site to Vidant Medical Center in Greenville. Richardson said the crash remains under investigation to determine whether charges will be filed.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help defray the paramedic’s medical expenses.
Updates on the page indicate Barnes, an assistant paramedic supervisor, sustained a femur fracture to his left leg and multiple fractures to his right leg. He is also suffering from other injuries.
An update to his medical condition on Monday indicated he has full movement and sensation in all extremities.
(Lance Martin is the Editor and Publisher of Permission was received to publish this story.)