State considers multi-use public site near Jackson

Published 10:42 am Monday, June 12, 2017

JACKSON – The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will hold an informational meeting at 6 p.m. on June 14 to discuss the construction of a multipurpose area on the Odom Prison site in Northampton County.

The meeting will be held at the Northampton County Recreation Department & Cultural and Wellness Center at 9536 N.C. 305 in Jackson.

The multipurpose area would include a boating access area and a public shooting range.


According to the Wildlife Commission, the proposed boating access area will provide access to the Roanoke River, bridging a large gap between two existing boating access areas (Weldon and the US 258 bridge between Rich Square and Scotland Neck).

The boating access area would include a two-lane ramp with floating courtesy docks and approximately 40 parking spaces.

A planned shooting range would feature a 100-yard rifle range, a 20-yard pistol range and a 50-yard rifle/pistol range.

The site for the project was provided by the N.C. Division of Prisons.

The Commission will hear public comments on the proposed project after an overview presentation and sound study discussion. Following the meeting, Commission staff will present the project, along with public comments, to the Wildlife Commissioners for their consideration at a future business meeting.