Ahoskie Woman’s Club hosts annual Arts Festival
Published 10:36 am Tuesday, February 7, 2017
- Jewelry (foreground), crochet (right), and woodcraft (rear) winners are displayed with first-place blue ribbons. | Staff Photo by Gene Motley
AHOSKIE – “Ribbons Galore and Winners All” was the theme of the Ahoskie Woman’s Club annual January Arts Festival. It celebrated the crafts, visual arts, photography, and works of literature created by Hertford County students and clubwomen.
The event is part of the largest organized arts recognition program for young people in the state and is sponsored by the Greater Federation of Woman’s Clubs of North Carolina.
Dr. Benjamin Thorburn, Director of Choral Music at Chowan University and the Men’s Chorus, began the Festival with a stunning performance for the Club luncheon. The group of six young men – Mark Baldwin, James Conley, David Cross, Ryan Harris, Desmond Smalls, and Terrence Taylor – sang a varied selection of pieces that awed those in attendance. The talents of these students and their conductor were evident.
A total of 78 students from Bearfield Elementary, Hertford County Middle School, Hertford County High School, and four clubwomen submitted a total of 138 entries for the competition. The entries were on exhibit in the lobby of the Gallery Theatre for the public to view January 19 and January 20. Students, teachers, parents, and interested arts patrons visited the exhibit and were impressed with the level of creativity and the skills displayed. Smiles of pride shown on the faces of the students, parents and a few grandparents.
Ribbons were awarded for first, second, and third place recognition. The following entries received blue ribbons:
Elementary School
Daniel Hall – Short Story (Grades K-2)
Danajhia Miller – Short Story (Grades 3-5)
Terry Hunt – Poetry (Grades 3-5)
Middle School
Doriene Young – Colored Pencil and Pastel Drawing
Keishara Smith – Mixed Media
High School
Tiffany Jordan – Short Story, Poetry, Digitally Enhanced Photo, Crochet, Jewelry, Colored Pencil, and Pastel Drawing
Sophi Walker – Black and White Photo, and Color Photo
Tyreonia Felton – Ceramics, and Graphite Pencil
Destiny Vaughan – Wood Craft, Paper Craft, and Decorative Painting
Ashley Lassiter – Nature Craft
Kimana Weekes – Acrylic, Watercolor, and Graphics
Myasha Lee – Pen and Ink
Tyreek Askew – Mixed Media
Club Women
Katherine Allen – Oil, Living Things Photo, and Scenic Photo
Dot Newsome – Craft
Noreen Hannon – Still Life Photo
The 31 blue ribbon recipients will participate in the District 9 Arts Festival competition hosted by the Ahoskie Woman’s Club on Feb. 11 at the Ahoskie Baptist Church. More blue ribbons to come!