Setting an example!
Published 10:14 am Monday, January 23, 2017
To the Editor:
The Kiwanis Club is a organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the lives of children, one child and one community at a time.
Our local club has decided to hold a Valentine Social on Feb. 10th, with music, food, fellowship and no alcohol. That’s right, no alcohol. This is to show our youth that people can gather for fun and be safe without the booze!
But…..who’s on board with setting the good example? Not many as of yet. Seems when you say ‘no alcohol’, the interest is immediately dropped.
To say the least, I am totally disappointed in our community. You complain about our youth, but yet it seems you are part of the problem. We, as adults, are who our children copy. They watch very move we make. Don’t complain when your children and grandchildren drink at parties, smoke whatever is available, and text while driving….they see it all.
I hope that some of you civic minded, self conscious people will support what we are trying to do by attending our fundraiser.
Two main in-school programs we sponsor every year are Terrific Kids and the Dictionary projects. Help us keep showing the children that we care.
Tickets need to be purchased by Feb. 6th from any Kiwanis member. Let’s set a good example, because these children are our future.
Kay Byrd
Ahoskie Kiwanis Club