Electronic Filing Available

Published 11:33 am Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WINDSOR – Bertie County is taking advantage of technology, and making it easier and faster for those submitting documents to its Register of Deeds Office.

Effective immediately, the county is accepting electronic documents for recording through Simplifile, the nation’s largest e-recording service, providing document submitters with a faster, more cost-effective recording method online.

Instead of having to drive to the county or send documents by mail or courier service, customers such as title companies, banks and attorneys now have the ability to submit documents securely to the Bertie County Register of Deeds’ office in minutes through Simplifile’s web-based service.


“Customers can record documents quicker and more conveniently,” said Bertie County Register of Deeds Annie F. Wilson.

Wilson added that her goal as register was to implement electronic services to the citizens and customers throughout the county.

“Bertie County is always looking at ways to better service our taxpayers and customers,” she noted. ‘E-recording provides better service by improving document turnaround time. We save in the time it takes to open, scan, print and attach labels, and mail documents back. Once the documents are received electronically at the county office, they are reviewed, stamped, recorded and returned back to the submitter through Simplifile in minutes. The convenience and value it brings to customers’ day-to-day work lives is undeniable, not to mention the cost-savings on paper, postage, and check-writing expenses among other benefits that ensue.”

According to Wilson, Bertie County is currently accepting all document types for e-recording through Simplifile.

“We’re excited to have Bertie County as part of our e-recording network and to help bring this convenient, cost-effective technology to the county and its customers,” said Paul Clifford, president of Simplifile.

Bertie County joins more than 1,300 counties and recording jurisdictions nationwide that also e-record with Simplifile.

Recording fees and payments can also be processed securely through Simplifile, helping to reduce payment errors. If an electronic document is rejected for any reason, customers are notified immediately through Simplifile, giving them the ability to quickly correct and resubmit the document back to the county.


For more information about e-recording in Bertie County, call 800-460-5657 or visit simplifile.com.