Simple traffic stop results in drug arrest

Published 8:51 am Thursday, October 9, 2014

MURFREESBORO – A simple traffic stop for loud noise turned out to be more than routine here last week.

Murfreesboro Police Chief Darrell Rowe reported that one person was cited for simple possession of marijuana while another was placed under arrest for possessing a significant amount of pot.

Rowe said that at 8:08 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 3, Murfreesboro Police Officer Jimmy Bracy stopped a vehicle in reference to violating the town’s loud noise ordinance. As Bracy was speaking with the driver of that vehicle, MPD Sgt. David Griffith and his K-9, Jagar, arrived for back-up.


“During the investigation subsequent to the traffic stop, two passengers in the vehicle were found to be in possession of marijuana,” Rowe said.

Andrella Parker was issued a citation for simple misdemeanor possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was released.

A search of a second passenger, 21-year-old Trevon Daye of Boyette Street in Murfreesboro, revealed him to be in possession of 12.10 grams (0.43 ounces) of marijuana.

“The marijuana found in possession of Mr. Daye was packaged in a way that it was destined to be sold,” Rowe stated.

That led to the charge of possession with intent to sell and deliver a Schedule XI controlled substance (marijuana) as well as a charge of drug paraphernalia.

Daye was jailed under a $5,000 secured bond.

Rowe said the driver of the vehicle was not found in possession of drugs. However, he was given a warning for loud music from his vehicle.

“I’d like to praise Officer Bracy for his professional work as a simple traffic stop for a noise violation led to the discovery of an appreciable amount of narcotics,” Rowe said. “I also need to praise Sgt. Griffith and his K-9 for their assistance in this case.”

About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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