Round-up nets 12 arrests
Published 7:28 pm Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Shawntavis M. Banks of Garysburg is led away in handcuffs, accompanied by Lt. Jason Boone (center) and Lt. Mitchell Deloatch (right), both of the Northampton County Sheriff’s Office. Banks was one of 12 arrests made in “Spring Cleaning” – a warrant round-up operation held last week. Staff Photo by Cal Bryant
JACKSON – As one local law enforcement officer said, “If you do the crime, you need to serve the time.”
Armed with a bushel basket full of criminal warrants, officers from multiple agencies fanned out across Northampton County on April 25 as the Northampton County Sheriff’s Office conducted a “Spring Cleaning” round-up.
Northampton Sheriff Jack Smith told the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald that the round-up was needed to clear-up numerous criminal warrants. Previous attempts to serve those warrants were unsuccessful due to a number of reasons, to include the subject was not at home, or had moved to another residence or county.
Last week, officers from eight agencies teamed with the Northampton County Emergency Operations Telecommunication Center and the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (Magistrate) to successfully arrest the following individuals:
Donald Ray Mitchell, 48, of Potecasi (Order for Arrest from Chowan County; bond at $1,500);
Tyrell Camar Debraux, 34, of Woodland (Financial Card Theft, Larceny, and Possession of Stolen Goods; bond at $6,000);
Michael Wayne Hendricks, 46, of Seaboard (Order for Arrest from Nash County; bond at $500);
Jermaine Roger Garner, 24, of Seaboard (Order for Arrest from Nash County; bond at $500);
Jeffrey Brad Timberlake II, 29, of Woodland (Identity Theft, Trafficking in Stolen ID’s, Felony Conspiracy, and Trespassing; bond at $35,500);
Joshua Hoggard, 21, of Margaretttsville (2 counts of Injury to Personal Property; bond at $1,000);
Jacob Antwane Davis, 32, of Rich Square (Probation Violation, and Order for Arrest on Child Support; bond at $400 cash and $2,000 secured);
Damien Phillip Robinson, 20, of Garysburg (Assault on a Female, and Communicating Threats; no bond – Domestic Hold);
Shawntavis Monte Banks, 23, of Garysburg (Order for Arrest on Child Support; bond at $250 cash);
Javonte High, 20, of Gaston (Common Law Robbery, Assault & Battery, and Probation Violation; bond at $24,000)
Tyrone Johnson, 28, of Courtland, VA (Resisting, Delaying or Obstructing an Officer; bond at $500); and
Kelly Greene Cutright, 25, of Conway (Trespassing; bond at $500).
“Spring Cleaning” involved numerous local, counties and state agencies working together to serve warrants, Sheriff Smith said. Those agencies included the Halifax County Sheriff’s Office, the Roanoke Rapids, Jackson, Gaston, and Rich Square Police Departments, North Carolina Highway Patrol, North Carolina Department of Public Safety Community Corrections Division, and the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Prisons.
“The Northampton County Sheriff Office would like to thank all the different agencies that assisted in this operation. We will continue to conduct these types of operations and other operations to make Northampton County a safer place to live and work,” Smith said.