Customer Service Policy approved

Published 8:50 am Tuesday, March 11, 2014

GATESVILLE – A Customer Service Policy has been approved by the Gates County Board of Commissioners.

“There were many, many county employees involved in putting this together,” said Gates County Financial Services Director Sandy Pittman. “We’ve tried to include everything, but I do not think that any policy is going to be complete; there is always, in hindsight, things that are missed. This policy is basically an overview.”

Commission Chairman Henry Jordan did question one particular item in the policy, one regarding late payments of utility (water/sewer) bills which result in the meter being locked by the county’s water department.


“There is a reconnect fee, plus a replacement cost fee if a water customer cuts the lock on the meter in an attempt to gain access to the water,” said Public Works Director Timmy Hedgspeth. “Legally, we could press (criminal) charges for destruction of county property, but I don’t think we need to go that route.”

“That is a separate charge (to replace the lock) in addition to the late fee and reconnection fee,” added Pittman.

“This policy is all inclusive,” said Jordan. “We also have a one-stop area (in the county administrative office building adjacent to the courthouse) where citizens can go for water issues; for permits; to pay water bills or provide direction on where they need to go to have other questions answered.”

“A tremendous amount of work, a lot of time and effort, went into developing this policy and I thank all who took part in creating this document,” said Commissioner Kenneth Jernigan.

“What I really like about this policy is the fact that it’s user friendly,” stated Commissioner Linda Hofler.

“We would like this policy to go into effect immediately, should the board choose to adopt it,” Pittman noted. “However, the billing cycle changes need to wait until the next cycle (Billing Cycle #2) of bills that come due in April. There is a loss of five days (from the 25th to the 20th of each month) of when those bills come due. We need this extra time to notify those customers about the change in the due date so they will not be caught off guard by this.”

A flyer will be included in the water bills explaining the new billing cycle.

In Cycle 1, bills will be mailed to customers on the first day of each month. Those bills are due on the 16th of the month. If not paid by 5 p.m. on the 16th day, a late fee (10 percent of the bill) will be assessed. Cut-offs for non-payment will be performed on the 22nd of the month with a reconnect fee ($25) after that time.

In Cycle 2, bills will be mailed to customers on the fifth day of each month. Those bills are due on the 20th of the month. If not paid by 5 p.m. on the 20th day, a late fee (10 percent of the bill) will be assessed. Cut-offs for non-payment will be performed on the 26th of the month with a reconnect fee ($25) after that time.

Customers will also be charged a 10 percent late fee for delinquent Solid Waste Fees.

The entire policy is posted on the county’s website.

A Customer Service Division was created earlier this year.  This division will be located at the Customer Service counter in the front of the Administration Building, 200 Court Street, Gatesville.  Services at the Customer Service counter will include:

Tax Payments

(PAYMENTS ONLY, questions will continue to be answered by the Tax Department.)


(All services relating to water, landfill and sewer; including payments, applications and changes.)

NOTE: For the citizens’ convenience a drop box is located in front of the courthouse for tax and utility payments.  Please DO NOT put cash in the drop box.


About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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