Join the march; get involved!

Published 9:48 am Thursday, February 7, 2013

To the Editor:

This year marks the 7th year for the NAACP/HKonJ Peoples’ Assembly Coalition.  It is with renewed urgency that the Coalition continues to plan and act by mobilizing a march to End Poverty and Economic Injustice on Saturday, February 9, 2013.  The march will assemble at 9:30 a.m. at Shaw University, South Street, Raleigh, North Carolina and will conclude at the Legislative Building on Jones Street.

The reason we are marching will affect many of you because of what the North Carolina General Assembly have expressed.  We want the Legislators to know that this will affect the poor and will not end poverty.  Despite NC’s and America’s health care crisis, and the fact that years ago Medicaid and Medicare was born out of the War on Poverty, and serves as a social safety net and a benefit to thousands of vulnerable people.

In less than 20 minutes in committee, they voted to refuse Medicaid Expansion, deny hope and health to 500,000 poor people of all races critical health insurance.  They refused implementation of the provision of the Affordable Health Care Act.  The senator leading the charge nastily resisted inquiry of his colleagues by saying, “This is a done deal, no matter what you say.  The answer is for every county to pay and care for their own poor.”  (Excerpt from memo 2/1/13 from Rev. Dr. William Barber, NC NAACP President)

The Peoples’ Assembly Coalition will march to the Legislative Building on February 9th to raise awareness for  (1) Economic Sustainability and Ending Poverty, (2) Educational Equality, (3) Healthcare For All, (4) Fairness in the Criminal Justice System, and (5) Voting Rights.

The Northampton County Branch of the NAACP has organized two buses to transport those that seek to change injustices and want to make a difference.  The bus will leave Nebo Baptist Church at 6:30 a.m. arriving at Roanoke Salem Baptist Church about 7:00 a.m. for pick-up to continue to Raleigh at 7:30 a.m. The bus is at no cost.  In order to reserve a seat on the bus, please call Bennett Taylor at 252-589-3751; Steve Jackson at 252-203-2169; Calvin Baldwin 252-676-6595 or Eugene Taylor at 252-589-5761 no later than Friday, February 8. Please leave your name and phone number.

The nonpartisan HKonJ movement holds all lawmakers responsible to represent all the citizens of North Carolina fairly. The HKonJ 14-Point People’s Agenda rally around the theme: “Forward, together, not one step back!”  This is not a moment but a movement.  It is critical that WE THE PEOPLE get involved TODAY!

Bennett M. Taylor


Northampton County Branch NAACP