Exodus proud of service

Published 11:00 am Thursday, January 31, 2013

To the Editor:

“To everything there is a season…”  Ecclesiastes 3:1.

After more than 20 years of service to the community, the Exodus for Youth, Inc. role model organization will end as of January 31, 2013.


Exodus was founded by the late Lawrence G. Cooper, the late Representative Dock M. Brown, Commissioner Vernon J. Bryant and Judge Alfred W. Kwasikpui.  The first meeting of Exodus occurred at the First Baptist Church in Weldon in February, 1992.  The initial mission of Exodus was to serve as an umbrella organization for youth groups that focused on providing positive motivation to young black males to avoid criminal court involvement and to improve their academic achievement.  Throughout the years, Exodus’ mission changed to focus on the same goals for all youth, including females.

Exodus has held approximately 230 monthly role model meetings for young people on the third Saturday in Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, and Northampton counties; conducted “Back to School” Jamborees; gang and bullying awareness school events; and for more than 20 years annually sponsored a free youth Lake Day at Lake Gaston.

The members of the Board of Directors are extremely grateful to those who have supported our efforts, including area churches and pastors, volunteer youth speakers, youth leaders, drivers, chaperones, youth groups, businesses, law enforcement leaders, officers, and groups, court personnel, fraternities and sororities, community organizations, area school systems, fire and rescue safety staff, area print, radio and other media, area young people and all who have given of their time, goods, services, finances, prayers and good wishes.  We can all be proud that together we have served thousands of youth during the existence of Exodus.

Upon the closure of Exodus, the Board has decided to distribute the remaining treasury funds to benefit youth in the above four counties by making equal donations earmarked for youth to the Bertie County Recreation Department (Bertie County); the Boys and Girls Club (Halifax County); Communities in Schools-Hertford County (Hertford County); and the Northampton County Recreation Department (Northampton County).

Lastly, we, the final Exodus Board consisting of myself, Judge Alfred Kwasikpui, Gregory Browning, Emma Johnson, Eddie Buffaloe Jr., Wendell Hall, Ronald Gatling, Norman Cherry Jr. and Judge Cy A. Grant Sr., extend heartfelt thanks to our spouses and families, Sheila V. Eley, Grover and Lucy Edwards, and past Exodus Board members. May God continue to bless our young people and our community.

Vernon J. Bryant

President, Board of Directors

Exodus for Youth, Inc.