Santa’s Workshop
Published 8:43 am Thursday, December 13, 2012

Communities in Schools of Hertford County volunteer Peggy Lowe helps students browse the potential gifts at Santa’s Workshop in Riverview Elementary School. The workshop was open to students Dec. 4-7 at the Murfreesboro based school. Staff Photo by Amanda VanDerBroek
MURFREESBORO – To bolster the giving spirit of the season, Communities in School organizers at Riverview Elementary hosted Santa’s Workshop, a place where students can get their Christmas shopping done.
Last week, students at the school browsed Santa’s Workshop to buy gifts for loved ones. Judy Clark, Communities in Schools site coordinator, said the school began Santa’s Workshop last year. The shop was held Dec. 4-7 this year.
Clark said children at the school are able to browse the three tables filled with potential gifts at the workshop and purchase them for family.
“The students come in, select their presents and have them wrapped so they can surprise their parents,” she said. “They love coming in here, but most of the time they want something for themselves.”
Clark said the money earned from the sale of the gifts is used for the emergency fund for schools supplies and uniforms.
Last Thursday, the students found a surprise of their own waiting in Santa’s Workshop. Each child received free books to take home with them.
Dr. Hilary Canipe, chair of the Communities in Schools Board of Hertford County, said the books were donated by First Book, which aims to provide new books to children in need. The non-profit teamed up with North Carolina Communities in Schools for a book giveaway in schools across the state.
The books, offered in English or Spanish, were given out to students in Pre-K through 6th grade in Hertford County.
“Ideally, the kids get two books (each),” Canipe said. “The students in fifth and sixth grades are receiving chapter books and teachers are encouraged to read the books with their class before they’re sent home.”
Clark said Communities in Schools of Hertford County is always looking for volunteers to help with various activities. For more information, call Riverview Elementary School at 398-4862.