Former officer dies in wreck

Published 4:49 pm Thursday, November 29, 2012

HARRELLSVILLE – A former full-time officer with the Ahoskie Police Department tragically lost his life near here Wednesday morning during a single vehicle accident.

Michael Daniel Fedock, 35, of Cofield died at the scene of the 8:05 a.m. mishap that occurred on Wiccacon Road (SR 1443) approximately 3.5 miles northeast of Harrellsville.

Fedock, who resigned his full-time position with the APD last year for a job at Tennessee Steel Haulers, was praised by his former boss as a good law enforcement officer.


“Mike was a good officer, one you could always count on because he was always prompt and on time for his shift,” said Ahoskie Police Chief Troy Fitzhugh. “He got along with everyone. He loved his job, loved what he did for a living and that was serving and protecting the public. He’ll be greatly missed by all.”

Fedock joined the Ahoskie Police on June 5, 2009 as a full- time Patrol Officer. Prior to that Fedock was employed as an officer at Rivers Correctional, a privately operated prison near Winton.

Fitzhugh said Fedock still maintained his law enforcement certification, even after he left for another job.

“He went to part-time status with us last year and we still called on him from time to time to help us out during special events,” Fitzhugh said.

The Police Chief added that Fedock was a good family man as well. He leaves behind a wife and two children.

According to the accident report filed by North Carolina Highway Patrol Trooper Jason Jones, Fedock was operating a 1998 Ford pickup truck east on Wiccacon Road. He lost control of his vehicle at which time the truck traveled off the right side of the road where it collided with a tree.

Jones’ report showed that Fedock was not wearing a seat belt, but he was not ejected from the vehicle as a result of the impact.

The accident caused both lanes of Wiccacon Road to be blocked for approximately one hour. Hertford County EMS and deputies with the Hertford County Sheriff’s Office also worked the accident scene.

The fatality was the 12th of the year with the Highway Patrol’s Troop A/District II area, which covers Bertie, Gates and Hertford counties. Three of those fatalities have now occurred in Hertford County.

About Cal Bryant

Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.

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