Murfreesboro continues Civil War salute

Published 8:33 am Thursday, October 11, 2012

MURFREESBORO — The Murfreesboro Historical Association continues with its four-year schedule of activities to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War (1861-65).

On Saturday and Sunday (Oct. 13-14), visit Murfreesboro’s Historic District for a reenactment of artillery and cannon fire plus exhibits throughout the District.

The Living History exhibit continues at the William Rea Museum, to include the Southern Star exhibit, Murfreesboro 3-D Model based on 1860, prominent citizens of Murfreesboro and their role in the War, Civil War artifacts and photographs, music from the 1860s and original clothing from the Civil War.


For more information contact the Murfreesboro Historical Association at 252-398-5922.