Brown selected Mayor Pro-Tem

Published 8:55 am Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WINDSOR – The longest-serving town commissioner is now the second in command.

Thursday morning, the Windsor Board of Commissioners unanimously elected Bob Brown as Mayor Pro-Tempore of the board.

Windsor Mayor Jim Hoggard brought the issue forward following the board’s selection of Lawrence Carter Jr. to serve as the fifth commissioner. Carter was appointed to serve in the stead of the Rev. Hoyt Cooper, who resigned upon moving to Winston-Salem.


“As you know, in addition to his service as a commissioner, Rev. Cooper served as Mayor Pro-Tem,” Hoggard said. “He did an admirable job, but now we need to select someone else to serve.”

Hoggard said his recommendation would be Brown assume the position.

Commissioner David Overton made a motion to appoint Brown as Mayor Pro-Tem with Commissioner Cathy Wilson offering a second. The motion passed without objection.

“Of course it is an honor to be selected,” Brown said. “I appreciate the support of my fellow board members.”

The Mayor Pro-Tempore serves in the place of the mayor whenever the town’s top elected official is out of place. The Mayor Pro-Tempore can conduct meetings and is also responsible for assuming the mayoral duties in case of an emergency if the mayor is out of town.

Brown joked that he hoped that was never the case.

“I certainly hope the mayor doesn’t miss anything,” he mused. “I hope he is around for all the meetings and every engagement.”

Hoggard said he believed Brown would be beneficial to the town in his new role.

“Bob has a lot of experience and a level head,” the mayor said. “He also has a lot of management experience and I think that will be helpful.”

Brown has served for many years as Police and Fire Commissioner and will continue in that role. He has been a member of the town board for 21 years.