Public hearing set for schools merger
Published 9:48 am Monday, January 16, 2012
JACKSON — Just when you thought the discussion might have been over the Northampton County Board of Education has scheduled a public hearing to receive input on the consolidation of its two high schools.
On Thursday, Jan. 19, the board will receive comments from the public regarding the plan to consolidate Northampton County High School-East and Northampton County High School-West into a single high school that would be located on the campus of NCHS-East.
The public hearing is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Northampton County Cultural and Wellness Center located at 9536 NC Highway 305 near Jackson.
At their last board meeting on Jan. 9 the board heard opposition to the merger from several citizens from the western end of the county.
In December the board voted to consolidate the two high schools.