Promise made; promise kept

Published 11:39 pm Friday, June 10, 2011

Bertie County Sheriff John Holley has done what many fail to do – he has lived up to his campaign promises.

During his campaign for the office, Sheriff Holley insisted he would lead the sheriff’s office to do a better job of drug enforcement and that he would do more for the outlying areas of the county as far as patrolling.

In the months since taking office, he has done exactly what he said he would. Drug arrests in particular have been impressive as new Narcotics Officer Brian Edmondson has done an outstanding job.


Edmondson has also been aided by the sheriff himself, who has given his cell phone number as a contact and had many people offer tips on the whereabouts of drugs and drug dealers.

Sheriff Holley has been an individual of integrity who has done all within his power to help the citizens of Bertie County. He has been there when the citizens faced devastation from recent storms and has led his department in every way.

This year, the sheriff has asked for one additional deputy. It is not a large request – roughly $55,000 for salary and benefits – but it is one the sheriff feels strongly about.

We urge the Bertie County Commissioners to do exactly what they seemed inclined to do earlier this week – vote to slightly adjust the pending budget to add that deputy to the Bertie County Sheriff’s Office.

We also encourage them to be creative and to hire the officer with as little impact to the budget as possible, but to do it as soon as it can be done.

Sheriff Holley has lived up to his word. Let’s give him the staff to do even more.

–       The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald