Sunbury Ruritans to host Memorial Day tribute

Published 11:03 am Friday, May 20, 2011

SUNBURY – It’s a time to pay tribute to those that have served the United States military and died protecting the freedom we enjoy today.

The Sunbury Ruritan Club will sponsor a Memorial Day Weekend Service at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 28 at the Ruritan Mini Park in Sunbury.

The service will include a reading of deceased veterans and loved ones.


John Hill, president of the Sunbury Ruritans, will preside over the event, which includes remarks from Ginny Crocker, Governor of Ruritan Zone 4, an invocation from John Crocker, local club vice president and District Chaplin, and special music from Billy Briggs.

A patriotic reading and a tribute to the American flag are also included in the ceremony.

Tony Mathias and Jackie Williams will perform the task of reading the names.

The playing of “Taps” will conclude the event.

Those wishing to memorialize a loved one that served in the military can do so for a $5 donation (checks made out to the Sunbury Ruritan Club). Mail your check along with the name of the person you wish to memorialize (veterans or non-veterans) and mail to Ginny Crocker, 346 NC 32 North, Sunbury, NC 27979.

For more information call Ginny Crocker at 465-4630.