Share your snow photos

Published 8:53 am Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald is planning to publish a special section entitled – White Christmas – 2010.

This keepsake edition will focus on the record snowfall that blanketed the local area on Dec. 25-26, an extreme rarity in our area at this special time of the year.

We are soliciting color photographs from our readers. Please submit high resolution digital photos – with information on where the photo was snapped, the date & time, the names of those shown in the photo and the name of the photographer – to


Hard copy photos can be dropped off at the News-Herald office (with accompanying information) located at the intersection of Main Street and Catherine Creek Road in Ahoskie.

For more details, contact Cal Bryant at the aforementioned e-mail address or call 252-332-7207.