M’boro TDA seeks members

Published 7:07 am Thursday, December 23, 2010

MURFREESBORO — The town of Murfreesboro is now accepting applications from those who are interested in serving on the Murfreesboro Tourism Development Authority.

Last week, the Murfreesboro Town Council discussed forming the authority as well as accepting forms from candidates.

Five members will make up the entity which is required after the General Assembly’s passage of an Occupancy Tax in the town. The three percent tax would be paid by those utilizing any room, lodging or accommodation furnished in a hotel, motel, inn, bed and breakfast or tourist camp.

On a quarterly basis, the town will remit the net proceeds of the tax to the TDA which, in turn, will use at least two-thirds of the funds to promote travel and tourism in Murfreesboro. The remaining one-third would be used for tourism-related expenditures, according to the Murfreesboro Occupancy Tax approved by the General Assembly in August 2009.

At their Dec. 14 meeting, Town Administrator Lee Capps told council members that there were already individuals interested in serving on the authority.

According to the town ordinance creating the TDA, five members will make up the entity. Two members will be individuals who are affiliated with the businesses that collect the occupancy tax, another two members will be individuals who are affiliated with businesses and/or non-profit tourist attractions/organizations that are currently active in the promotion of travel and tourism in the town, and one member will serve as an “at-large” representative that has an active interest in the promotion of travel and tourism in Murfreesboro. One of the five members can be from the council.

“Council member (Billy) Theodorakis has indicated a willingness, if it is the pleasure of the council, to represent you on the Authority,” said Capps to board members.

He then named various possible candidates involved with travel and tourism-related topics around town as well as those who have expressed an interest in serving on the Authority.

Capps said at this time when the activity is limited is an opportunity to get the entity in place.

The council agreed those who are interested should fill out a standard form that is used for the town’s commissions. Council member Lloyd Hill suggested giving interested applicants a copy of the Authority’s by-laws when they are given an application.

Later in the meeting, Mayor John Hinton said the town is also seeking individuals to serve on the Draft Board.

Citizens that are interested in serving on either entity can contact the town at 398-5904.