Trio face murder charges
Published 8:54 am Thursday, December 9, 2010
WINTON – A 13-month-old murder case has been solved.
Hertford County Sheriff Juan Vaughan reported late Wednesday afternoon that three local men are being held, under a combined $3.4 million bond, in conjunction with the Nov. 24, 2009 murder of Johnny Parker Jr. of Murfreesboro.
Under arrest are (with their charges in parenthesis):
Devon Jonte Jordan, 21, of 1781 Horne Road, Pendleton (first degree murder, one count of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and felony inciting a riot; his bond is $1.2 million);
Brian Keith Lassiter, 27, of 125 Bowles Place, Como (first degree murder, one count of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, felony inciting a riot and possession of a firearm by a felon; his bond is $1.1 million); and
Dominique Williams, 23, of 1309 East Main Street, Murfreesboro (first degree murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and felony inciting a riot; his bond is $1.1 million).
Jordan was arrested on Tuesday; Lassiter and Williams were picked-up on Wednesday. All three are incarcerated in the Hertford County Jail.
Sheriff Vaughan said that the investigation into Parker’s death continues, adding that additional arrests are pending.
“We’ve been working this case since Nov. 24 of last year,” Vaughan said. “Some cases just take longer than others, but we do not stop until the job is done.”
The Sheriff credited the work of HCSO Lt. Will Liverman and Capt. Raymond Eure. Liverman was the lead investigator.
Parker, 27 at the time of his death, was shot and killed as he stood on the front porch of his Woodridge Mobile Home Park (119 Pinetops Circle) home near Murfreesboro.
Sheriff Vaughan said several suspects were shooting at that time and Parker came out of his residence to apparently see what was going on.
“We received reports that day of shots fired at Woodridge, but we were unaware that anyone was wounded until we received a call from Roanoke-Chowan Hospital late in the afternoon of November 24, 2009,” Vaughan recalled.
He said R-CH personnel informed his office that a gunshot victim was brought to the hospital by private vehicle.
Parker succumbed to the gunshot wound at R-CH. His body was taken to the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office in Greenville where an autopsy was performed.
On the day of Parker’s funeral (Nov. 29, 2009), shots rang out again at Woodridge Mobile Home Park, activity believed to be in retaliation for Parker’s murder. While no one was injured, eight individuals from Virginia Beach, Va. were arrested and charged with a variety of crimes, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and felony conspiracy.