FEMA aid exceeds $3.7 million

Published 11:11 am Monday, November 8, 2010

Residents in eastern North Carolina, including Bertie and Hertford County citizens, have received more than $3.7 million in federal and state grants and loans in the past three weeks to help them recover from severe storms and flooding caused by Tropical Storm Nicole.

“Our state Emergency Management, FEMA and U.S. Small Business Administration staffs have been working together closely for the past month to help affected homeowners, renters, businesses and nonprofit organizations of all sizes recover from the flooding,” said N.C. Emergency Management Director Doug Hoell.

The FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers in Bertie (Windsor) and Hertford (Winton) counties closed effective Saturday, Nov. 6. The SBA has opened a center in Windsor at the Bertie County Office on Aging located on West School Street.


To date:

More than $2.5 million has been approved from FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program for temporary housing and home repairs.

Nearly $663,000 has been approved in Other Needs Assistance, a joint state-federal program that helps replace personal property and pay medical, dental, transportation and other serious disaster-related needs not covered by insurance or other federal, state and charitable aid programs.

More than $551,000 has been approved in U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) low-interest disaster home loans. These loans are available to homeowners and renters as well as businesses and nonprofit organizations of all sizes.

In other figures, through Thursday, Nov. 4:

Nearly 3,400 people have registered with FEMA for state and federal disaster assistance.

More than 2,700 damaged homes have been inspected by FEMA.

Nearly 2,500 residents have visited Disaster Recovery Centers operated jointly by FEMA and the State of North Carolina, with support from SBA.

More than 5,500 in-person contacts have been made by state and FEMA Community Relations specialists, who continue to go door-to-door providing information in English and Spanish to residents, business, community- and faith-based organizations. So far, they’ve visited more than 4,000 homes, more than 870 businesses, more than 280 community-based organizations and more than 430 faith-based organizations.

12,700 pieces of literature have been distributed by FEMA mitigation specialists in Disaster Recovery Centers and at outreach locations in six home improvement stores, including Ace Home Center in Ahoskie. Publications range from technical rebuilding manuals to handouts with information on how to make a family disaster plan or get a pet ready in an emergency.

15 Disaster Recovery Centers have been staffed by state and federal recovery personnel and SBA disaster loan representatives to provide in-person help to North Carolinians. This number includes the four new locations opening Monday in Camden, Martin, New Hanover and Washington counties.  Individuals can register for disaster assistance with FEMA by going online to www.DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362) or (TTY) 800-462-7585.