E-911 funds upgrade M’boro equipment

Published 9:04 am Tuesday, October 19, 2010

MURFREESBORO — Murfreesboro public safety is receiving a much needed computer upgrade by way of Enhanced 911 funds.

Last week, the Murfreesboro Town Council approved the use of nearly $10,000 of E-911 funds to purchase a server and a copier.

Murfreesboro Police Chief Darrell Rowe came before the board to request the use of the funds to replace an aging computer server. A server links multiple computers together so the same programs can be provided.


“Our server is eight years old; they don’t make parts for it anymore,” he said. “If it goes down, we could lose a week of data.”

Rowe added only a week would be lost because a back up is done each week. Rowe said an IT (Information Technology) employee from Chowan University checked the current server and that person was in agreement to replace the computer.

Rowe said the need for a new server comes at a good time as the town would not need to use general fund or tax money for the purchase.

The North Carolina General Assembly recently agreed to allow half of E911 funds to be used for public safety.

“The (NC) 911 Board is allowing us to use up to 50 percent of our 911 funds currently banked,” he said.

He added the quote for the server, including taxes, is $8,910.52.

In addition to the server, Rowe recommended purchasing a new copier to replace an older model that stopped working. The quote for the copier is $499.

“I would like the board to give me permission to use the 911 money to purchase these two items,” he said.

Councilman Billy Theodorakis asked about the life expectancy of the new server.

“It’s hard to say with not knowing about what technology (changes are going to happen),” said Rowe. “I would hope it would run just as long as the one we’ve got, but I would also hope we would replace it before eight years.”

Councilman Lloyd Hill motioned to authorize the two expenditures. Mayor Pro-tempore Molly Eubank offered a second and the motion passed without objection.