US 158 improvements coming
Published 11:23 am Friday, July 16, 2010
The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald has learned that a major improvement project for U.S. 158 in Hertford and Gates counties will possibly begin as early as next year.
At a recent meeting of the Hertford County Board of Commissioners, a high-ranking NC Department of Transportation official said that U.S. 158 from the east end of the Murfreesboro Bypass to U.S. 13 in Winton will be widened to four lanes. Additionally, improvements are slated for U.S. 158/U.S. 13 from Winton north to Tarheel in Gates County.
Both projects were on the DOT’s list of future improvements. It has just been learned that both have moved up in priority on the list.
Survey crews have been in Gates County, along a stretch of U.S. 158/U.S. 13 between the Chowan River bridge and Tarheel, for the past two weeks.
The R-C News-Herald will have more on this story as information becomes available.