R-C area plans Memorial Day salutes
Published 9:09 am Thursday, May 27, 2010
Throughout the nation, many cities, towns and communities have planned a variety of events to honor those brave men and women who have died while protecting the freedoms U.S. citizens enjoy today.
Several of those events are planned over the coming days in the Roanoke-Chowan area as locals will gather to pay their respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
The following is a listing of Memorial Day programs planned for the local area:
Friday, May 28
**As part of its Memorial Day celebration, Lawrence Memorial Public Library (204 East Dundee St., Windsor) will display the Bertie County World War II scrapbooks created by library assistant Lillian Harden. Those books will be on public display at the library through Friday, May 28.
The books contain numerous articles and photos about Bertie County World War II veterans as well as what life was like back home during the war.
**The Aulander Ruritan Club will honor Memorial Day and the local area’s military veterans by placing flags on veterans’ graves in the Aulander and Millennium area. Club members will meet at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 28 at the Aulander Community Building.
Saturday, May 29
**Beginning at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 29 at the mini park, the Sunbury Ruritan Club will host a Memorial Day program.
The ceremony will include a program with a list of names, with a reading of the names by one of the club members; a tribute flag dedicated to the crew lost in the sinking of the battleship USS Indianapolis; and music.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Donations of $5 per memorialized loved one is requested. To have a flag placed in the park to memorialize a deceased loved one, contact any Sunbury Ruritan member or call Mike Cronce at 252-465-8789.
Saturday’s event will begin with a formal welcome from Sunbury Ruritan Club President Tony Mathias followed by an invocation by Kenny Casper, Club Chaplin.
The reading of the names will be performed by Ginny Crocker and Jackie Williams. Each person memorialized was an important part of the lives of local citizens. Each of those veterans, while missed, will always be remembered.
John Crocker, Patriotic Chairman of Boy Scout Troop 200, will pay tribute to the American Flag.
Ben Williams and Jacob Hudgins, both of Troop 200, will discuss Eagle Scout projects.
Special music will be performed by Billy Briggs. Ben Williams will render the playing of “Taps.”
Monday, May 31
**The Town of Conway will hold their Memorial Day Celebration at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 31 in the Veteran’s Memorial Park. Everyone is invited to attend.
**Northampton County will host a Memorial Day service at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 31 at the Courthouse Square in Jackson.
Dr. Al Wentzy – US Army, US Air Force (Retired) – will be the featured speaker.
The public is invited to attend.
**Ahoskie American Legion Post 102 invites the public to attend a Memorial Day program at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 31 at No Man’s Land Park (Main Street adjacent to the railroad).
Dr Jimmy Jarrell of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church will be the speaker. Music will be provided by Captured Hearts, Ronnie Umphlett and Rev. Mike Reid.