Three years; three arrests

Published 1:32 pm Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AHOSKIE – For the third consecutive year, all in the same month, an Ahoskie businessman has been arrested for offering counterfeit apparel for sale.

Last week, the Ahoskie Police Department, working with agents from the North Carolina Secretary of State Counterfeit Task Force, arrested Alvin Harrell, owner of Latest Fashions located at 200 East Main Street.

Harrell, whose residence is listed on Holloman Ave. in Ahoskie, was charged with two felony counts of counterfeit trademark violations. His bond was set at $20,000 and his next court date is scheduled for Sept. 8.

Harrell has two previous arrests on the same charges – the first coming on Aug. 17, 2007 followed by one on Aug. 10, 2008. It was reported that Harrell was on probation for those previous charges when arrested again last week.

Ahoskie Police Detective Lt. Jeremy Roberts made the arrest. He is sworn as a member of the Secretary of State’s Counterfeit Task Force.

“We perform compliance checks on a routine basis of local outlets that sell clothing and apparel, especially the ones that have been previously charged with this type of crime and who are still in business,” Lt. Roberts said.

In regards to this marking Harrell’s third arrest in as many years on the same charge, Lt. Roberts said he could face habitual felon charges down the road, but that would have to be determined by a Grand Jury.

Alvin Harrell, 45, of 414 Holloman Ave. Ahoskie

Owner- 200 East Main – Latest Fashions

Arrested 8-10-09

By Det. Lt. Jeremy Roberts

Agents with NC Sec of State office

Roberts swone in on Sec of State Counterfield Task Force

We do complinece checks pretty much on a rountine basis, esp on those who have been charged with this before and still in buz

He could be charged as a habitual feon,…that’s up to a Grand Jury

He wasn’t trying to hide it


2 counts of felony countfeit trademark violations

Bond: $20,000 secured

First court appearance . Aug. 14

Next court.. Sept. 8

2 priors on same charges…currently on probation for the first two

Aug. 17, 2007

Aug. 10, 2008