Ahoskie ESC office reopens

Published 10:55 am Thursday, March 19, 2009

AHOSKIE – A North Carolina Employment Security presence has returned to Hertford County.

On Monday morning, the ESC announced the opening of an office in the Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA) building in Ahoskie. The building is located on Colony Street.

“This is a good day for us,” said ESC Chairman Moses Carey Jr. “We are happy to be back in Ahoskie to assist individuals and businesses with various needs. We thank several partners, especially CADA, in working to help make this happen.”


The Ahoskie office of the ESC was closed April 18, 2008 and local leaders had been working to get a presence back in the county since that time.

The most recent effort was led by Hertford County Commission DuPont L. Davis.

“Of course, this is a temporary fix,” Davis said. “Of all the projects I’ve worked on, this is one of the ones I’m most pleased with. It has taken the work of a lot of people to make this happen and we appreciate all their help.”

The county is still in the process of putting together a JobLink Center which could be housed at Roanoke-Chowan Community College.

CADA Director Sallie Surface said her organization was pleased to offer the assistance, but did ask those who are going to the ESC Office to park on Colony Street.

“There is parking on Colony Street and the main entrance is near the handicapped ramp on the Colony Street side of the building,” Surface said. “We would ask that all parking at the apartment complex be left for the residents.”

The current facility will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The telephone number is 332-2692.