Traffic stop nets cocaine

Published 4:04 pm Monday, February 23, 2009

MURFREESBORO — A man is behind bars after drugs were found on his person and he resisted arrest.

Murfreesboro Police Chief Darrell Rowe said on Feb. 15 his officers arrested Jamal R. Wright, 22, of Murfreesboro.

Wright stands charged with possession with the intent to sell and deliver schedule II (cocaine), possession of drug paraphernalia and resist, delay and obstruct a government official.


According to Rowe, the charges stem from an early morning traffic stop conducted by MPD Officer William Barmer in the parking lot of the Duck Thru in Murfreesboro.

During the traffic stop, Barmer observed what he believed was a small plastic baggie containing narcotics in the driver’s lap.

Rowe said when Wright got out of the vehicle, the baggie fell to the ground at which time Officer Barmer requested back up.

Sergeant Joe Crisp responded, at which time Wright was informed he was under arrest.

“Mr. Wright attempted to flee the location,” said Rowe. “Officer Barmer and Sergeant Joe Crisp were able to grab the suspect and wrestle him to the ground.”

After a brief struggle, Wright was placed into custody. Wright was transported to the Police Department where officers found another baggie allegedly containing cocaine.

Wright was placed on a $25,000 secured bond and taken to the Hertford County Jail.