HC adopts revaluation timeline

Published 8:45 am Wednesday, January 7, 2009

WINTON – Reappraisal received an official timeline in Hertford County Monday morning.

During the regular meeting of the Hertford County Board of Commissioners, the governing body adopted a schedule for the reappraisal which will take effect on January 1, 2011.

Tax Assessor Sylvia F. Anderson made the presentation to the board Monday with a timetable that actually began December 1, 2008. On that date, Anderson prepared specification for revaluation.


The next key date for the revaluation process will come later this week when the tax office mails specifications and requests for bids to appraisal firms. There will then be a pre-bid conference with appraisal contractors on January 21.

Bids will officially be opened on Feb. 9 with a likelihood of the Hertford County Commissioners awarding the appraisal contract during the first meeting in March (scheduled for March 2).

April 2 will see reappraisal work commence in Hertford County and that will continue through much of the year.

In January and February of 2010, information will be gathered and a proposed schedule of values prepared. That schedule will be presented to the governing board in March of the same year. A public hearing will be held on that schedule of values and it is also slated for March, 2010.

In April of next year, the schedule of values is set to be adopted by the Hertford County Commissioners. The schedule will be advertised in the same month.

Reappraisal work will be completed and turned over to the county on August 31, 2010 and notices of new values will be mailed to property owners by September 30 of the same year.

The appraisal firm will hold informal meetings October 2-December 13, 2010.

Incomplete and new construction will be completed by the appraisal firm in March of 2011 with the Board of Equalization and Review scheduled to commence on April 4, 2010.

The schedule was adopted by the Hertford County Commissioners on a motion by Commission Vice Chairman Johnnie R. Farmer and a second by Commissioner William F. Mitchell Jr. It passed by a unanimous vote with Commissioner Curtis A. Freeman absent from the meeting.