Old ABC Store up for sale

Published 8:11 pm Saturday, December 6, 2008

AULANDER — For sale – one 1,200 square foot building formerly used as an ABC Store. On Monday, the Bertie County Commissioners decided to actively seek the sale of the former ABC Store located on N.C. 11 just outside of Aulander. According to Bertie County Manager Zee Lamb, it has recently become known that the county actually owns the building and there have been inquiries about its availability. Lamb said he wanted to actively seek bids to sell the property. Commissioner J. Wallace Perry asked if the building would be used again by the ABC Board. Michael Freeman, a member of Bertie County’s ABC Board, was in the audience and said it would not. “If we ever go back to Aulander, we would look down town,” Freeman said. A couple of commissioners asked if it would be wise to wait until all tax-foreclosed county property was being sold in 2009. Lamb said, “You have the right to solicit bids, but you don’t have to accept them if they don’t reach the level you are comfortable with.” According to the Property Record Card, the building is valued at slightly less than $40,000. The land is worth an additional $9,600. Commissioner L.C. Hoggard III made a motion to solicit bids to sell the building with Perry offering a second. It passed by unanimous vote with Commissioner Rick Harrell absent. In other business, the board: * reappointed Joe Jernigan, Norman Mebane, Penny Thompson, Buneva Everett and Mike Neal to the Economic Development Commission; * reappointed Bessie Mitchell and Morris Rascoe to the CADA Board; * made appointments to the Bertie County Council on Aging Advisory Committee; * approved a resolution to authorize the United States Postal Service to conduct an address survey on roads in Merry Hill; * heard a presentation from Tax Administrator Hosea Wilson regarding the Homestead Circuit Breaker; and * set a public hearing for January on proposed a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance at the request of Planning Director Traci White.
