M’boro officials vague on development plans

Published 6:43 pm Monday, September 22, 2008

MURFREESBORO—More economic development may be on its way here.

During their past two meetings, the Murfreesboro Town Council has met in closed session pursuant North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11 (A4) which allows government boards “to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that may be offered by the public body in negotiations.”

After a closed session held August 26, the council opted to enter into an agreement with Entrepreneur Source upon the town attorney’s review. The council also agreed to prepare a grant to the Gold LEAF Foundation


At the council September 9 meeting, Town Attorney W. Hugh “Buddy” Jones read from a written statement regarding the August 26 closed session.

“The purpose of the meeting was to discuss economic development, including the possibility of attracting a motel, applying for a Golden LEAF Grant and the possibility of entering into a contract with Entrepreneur, Inc., all of (which) were discussed,” he said in closing of the statement.

Jones also recommended the town not go into a contract with Entrepreneur Source, Inc. The council agreed with his recommendation.

In a later interview, Town Administrator Cathy Davison spoke vaguely about the recent closed sessions.

“We are working on an economic development project that will make Murfreesboro more of a destination outside of the current businesses and attractions we already have,” said Davison. Davison said they are working on the project with Chowan University.