Board supports Ethanol plant
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 3, 2008
JACKSON – A site in Seaboard is being considered for an ethanol manufacturing plant.
On Wednesday, the Northampton County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution in support of East Coast Ethanol, LLC who are considering locating a manufacturing facility along NC 186, adjoining the town of Seaboard.
According to the resolution, East Coast Ethanol proposes to invest in excess of $200 million and to employ at least 40 people when the proposed facility is completed.
The resolution also states that the county endorses the application of East Coast Ethanol requesting financial support from the Department of Transportation (DOT) to assist in funding construction of a rail industrial access track to serve the facility.
The county is committed to work with the DOT in a leadership role to make transportation improvements that address the safety needs of the public as well as the contractors and employees of East Coast Ethanol, according to the resolution.
The resolution passed without objection.
In July, the board of commissioners approved the rezoning of two parcels of land containing a combined 407 acres from light industrial to heavy industrial. That land sits along NC 186 near the town of Seaboard.
The rezoning increased the buffer for the parcels so that any industry located there would need a 200 foot buffer between the subject property and any adjoining parcel.