Happy 125th – Harrellsville
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 12, 2008
HARRELLSVILLE – It’s a time to celebrate.
The town of Harrellsville is 125 years old as of yesterday (Wednesday), but the official celebration is scheduled for this weekend.
Officials with the town have announced plans for a “125-Year Celebration” to be held from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, March 15.
The site of the celebration will be the corner of Main and Quebec streets in the downtown area.
Local church groups will provide singing and other entertainment during the celebration which will include free hot dogs and soft drinks. There will also be a bake sale and horse and carriage rides during the celebration.
The Abner Harrell Schoolhouse (circa 1830) will be available for tours. The building, which is not completely finished, is being renovated by the Harrellsville Historic Society.
There will also be antique cars and tractors on display.
State Senator Ed Jones will be part of the festivities.
The town of Harrellsville currently has a population of 99 residents and employs four part-time workers.
The post office was established as Bethel on April 9, 1827 and the name was changed to Harrellsville on December 8, 1847 in honor of Abner Harrell who served as Postmaster from 1833-1861.
The town was officially incorporated on March 12, 1883 and the Harrellsville Historic District was entered in the National Register of Historic Places on November 23, 1995.
The town officials in Harrellsville hope to have help celebrating their anniversary from the entire region and invite people to attend the merriment scheduled for the town.