Murfreesboro Rotary hosts political forum

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 3, 2007

MURFREESBORO – At the heart of the Democratic foundation on which this nation was built is an informed voter.

In order to wisely select our leaders, voters have the right to know where candidates stand on the issues. That part of the political process will take center stage here later this month when the Murfreesboro Rotary Club hosts a forum for the nine candidates seeking the five seats on the Town Council.

The forum, open to the public, is scheduled for 7 p.m. on October 25 in Vaughan Auditorium on the campus of Chowan University.


Current town council members Lloyd Hill, Gloria Odum, Bill Theodorakis and Sarah Whitely Wallace have all filed to seek reelection. A fifth incumbent, Councilman William “Bill” Stephens, has filed for Mayor.

Five newcomers are also seeking spots on Murfreesboro’s governing board. They include Craig Dennis, former Town Administrator Molly Eubank, Joe Murray, Robert Vincent and Terry Williams.

All nine candidates seeking the town council seats have been invited to participate in the forum.

“We feel the public needs an opportunity to meet these candidates and to hear their views on issues of importance to the Murfreesboro community,” Murfreesboro Rotary Club member Lee Canipe said.

In order to further involve the public in the forum, the Murfreesboro Rotary Club invites the voters to submit questions for the candidates to address. The deadline for submission is Thursday, Oct. 11.

Canipe said questions can be submitted by e-mail to They can also be sent by regular mail to Murfreesboro Rotary Forum, P.O. Box 124, Murfreesboro, NC, 27855.