Eviction process begins against Murfreesboro Rescue Squad
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 12, 2007
MURFREESBORO – There is a saying that goes, “Better late than never.”
However, for the Murfreesboro Volunteer Rescue Squad (MVRS) submitting a letter and proposal late did not better their situation.
On Tuesday, the Murfreesboro Town Council decided to continue with the eviction process to remove the MVRS from town property on North Sycamore Street.
A letter and proposal from MVRS came nine days after the August 27 deadline that was given in a letter from Mayor Lynn Johnson on August 15.
The need for the building to be utilized by the Murfreesboro Volunteer Fire Department has been discussed in past meetings among the town council and Public Safety Director and Police Chief Darrell Rowe. Both Rowe and the council have also contacted Cheryl Davis, president MVRS to try to set up meetings to discuss the status of the squad.
In a letter dated September 5, Davis writes: “It is our desire to come to an amicable agreement regarding use of the building space.
She continues to explain that although squad was not granted a franchise with Hertford County, members have continued to remain active in providing volunteer service to the citizens of Murfreesboro as first responders.
Davis concludes, “Finally, there was a great deal of lack of communication between the former President of Murfreesboro Volunteer Rescue Squad, their members, and the Town Council, for which I am now attempting to rectify as the acting President.”
Murfreesboro Town Administrator Cathy Davison said Davis was president of MVRS when the council began contacting the squad about the status of the building.
Davis also included a proposal with her letter which states the “Murfreesboro Volunteer Rescue Squad agrees to continue to share the current Rescue Squad building with the Murfreesboro Fire Department for meetings, training, equipment storage, etc.”
Among the other points in the proposal:
* A requirement that the Murfreesboro Fire Department pays a fee of $25 each month to help defray the cost of utilities.
* The Murfreesboro Rescue Squad will continue to utilize the space for meetings, training, equipment storage, etc.
* Members of the squad will continue to first respond to emergencies.
“I think we should proceed like we intend to go,” said Councilman Bill Theodorakis, before he made a motion to continue the eviction process. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sarah Wallace and passed without objection.
The council also authorized Town Attorney Bob Lee and Tim Wilson to demand the building be vacated and file a complaint or action to have the squad vacate the building.
A resolution was unanimously approved, rescinding “all resolutions, motions, etc. regarding the donation or transfer of real property to the Murfreesboro Rescue Squad.”
That resolution also states that in 1985 the town and the Murfreesboro Rescue Squad, Inc. entered into various discussions regarding a rescue squad building to be constructed on town property.
The resolution continues, there were motions and resolutions passed by the town the same year regarding the Murfreesboro Rescue Squad, Inc. and the possible donation or transferring of real property.
It also states that real property was never deeded or transferred.
Though Rescue Squad members still act as first responders, Davison said in a previous interview Murfreesboro Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. has not been active in five years and the franchise has been cancelled by the state.
Last month the Hertford County Commissioners refused to extend a franchise to the MVRS after they were informed the squad would only be active on Fridays.