M’boro men face pot charges

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 27, 2007

MURFREESBORO – Two men have arrested here on drug related charges, according to the Murfreesboro Police Department (MPD).

MPD Police Chief Darrell Rowe said Thomas L. Garrett

Jr. and Darnell A. Saxby both of 502 Sewell St.in Murfreesboro were arrested on Friday at approximately 12:34 p.m.


Rowe said the arrests were a result of a search warrant that was served in reference to information of narcotic sales and use on the property. The information was developed by MPD Lieutenant Joe Burgess.

Upon entering the residence, five males and one female were present. But after MPD’s search, Garrett and Saxby were the only individuals arrested.

Both Garrett, 23, and Saxby, 22, were taken into custody and charged with possession with the intent to sell and deliver marijuana, maintaining a dwelling for the sale of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Rowe said both men were taken to Hertford County Jail and each placed under a $31,500 secured bond.

An official at Hertford County Jail said both have been released.

Rowe thanked Burgess for his “hard work on the case.” Rowe also commended the work of his officers who executed the search warrant in a “professional and safe manner.”

Those involved in the search and arrests were, Burgess, MPD Captain Chris Sumner, Officers Joe Crisp, Will Barmer and Chris Firkel. Rowe was also involved.